Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Sophia and GG on our way back home

We went to visit Mimi's Father, Sophia's Great Grandfather after Thanksgiving. They sang Christmas Carols together.

The look of "I just did something I shouldn't have, but I don't think anyone saw me do it!"

We went for a nice hike at Devil's Hopyard.

Adam about to carve the turkey.

We were able to capture one picture of all the kids before Jack had to leave with his girlfriend's family in Martha's Vineyard

Her new hat and mittens to go outside in the cold!

Sophia adores Uncle Scott!

Jack was doing his laundry so he had no clothes to wear. he paraded around the house all day practically naked while everyone else was comfy in their heavy sweatshirts, jeans and slippers!

Sorry I've been slow with the updates lately. We've had lots of wonderful company between and for the holidays so its hard to find time to sit down at the computer for a while!

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