Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer fun!

More of me being silly to poor Sophia's hair! Its getting much longer now and very blond with us being outside so often.

We went to the beach in the neighborhood with our friends Joellen and Madelyn. I was playing with the color features on our new camera.

Trying on daddy's shoes!

She loves using her phone and calling daddy when he is at work. She says, "Hi Dad" over and over again! Don't worry, its just a pretend phone!

What a girl! She is ready to go with her cell phone, purse and cool sun glasses!

We took a day and went down to Pensacola Beach.

You can't go to Pensacola Beach and not get a frozen Hurricane! Sophia had her own, Virgin Daquari, of course!

She thoroughly enjoyed it!

Here we are in the grocery store and Sophia threw a fit until we put her in the fancy cart! She loved it!

Sophia absolutely loves water! Especially splashing around with her daddy!

We went to Mobile to pick Lance up from his training and decided to go swimming the pool for a little bit.

Out on Bill and Dawn's boat, Sophia finally fell asleep!

Sophia absolutely loves our cat Ben!

Its a tradition, going to Grandpa's house and surrounding poor innocent Sophia with yummy Lobsters that we later eat for dinner! This year was special though because Lance and I went with the Lobster man, Grandpa's neighbor Dan, to catch our dinner!

1 comment:

Sunshinememe said...

HI Sophia,

Maine is a good place to visit in summer I hope sometime you can come and stay with Grammeme here.
Love you and wish you the best always with where ever and whatever you do.
Love Grameme Rice